Welcome to Iris Hill Tailoring, LLC
My name is May Lyn Wake, some people call me Iris… Iris Hill. But, the name of the company comes from my love of irises and living on a hill. I began in 2020 during the pandemic. I made masks, period clothes for Colonial Williamsburg, and bespoke kilts.
Today I make kilts… a kilt made just for you… to your measurements. I live in the mountains of North Carolina, and my kilts are literally all over the country.
Each kilt is hand stitched. My kilts are made in the traditional manner with 100% Scottish wool imported from Scotland. The pleats are stitched on the right side of the tartan. I am also a non-traditional kiltmaker in that I am left-handed. Back in the day, a left-handed person need not apply for an apprenticeship to a kiltmaker.
I also alter kilts… that can be a bit tricky… but not impossible. There’s a lot of labor involved in altering a kilt. First, taking it apart and then re-sizing it. It could be a simple fix or not… but it could run somewhere between $50.00-250.00… prices vary depending on the extent of the alteration.
I am on the Southern Highland Craft Guild demonstrators schedule at the Folk Art Center near Asheville, NC. My first day will be March 20th. Demonstrations run from 10-4, with time off for lunch. Come visit and learn a bit about kiltmaking.
Contact me at: may@Irishilltailoring.com
Tools of the trade